Linux not a blank screen with commands. It is also a fun box. The below 10 commands will prove that why it is a fun box. Let us see the top 10 fun commands in this article.
Readmore...A Computer programming is defined as the process of designing and building an executable program for accomplishing a specific computing task. There are different types of programs to do this. We will be seeing how to execute them in a Linux machine.
Readmore... In this article we are going to see how to install different Java version on your linux system and also how to make it as a default one.
A file may contain different types of strings, numbers, special characters, etc..,. We can directly edit the file using a file editor, but that applies to a single file only. If we wish to search and replace a particular word or number on multiple files, it is a burden to edit manually on every single file. In such situations we use Perl and Sed commands to achieve it.
As an open source, accessing a file requires more security in Linux. This has been maintained by providing file permissions and access modes. These are applicable for all files and directory.
In Linux we use Grep as a search tool. It helps to search files on directory, search strings in a file. It is also a kind of a filter. Grep stands for Global search for Regular Expressions and Print. Grep helps to find strings in a large set of log files and codes. It is applicable for most of the files.
In this article we will be seeing how to sort Files and Directory in a Linux system. We will be doing with a single command ls and with different flags.
The ls command with no flag lists the files and directory on the current working directory. With l alone the directory will end with /.
In this article we will be seeing some basic commands while working on files in Linux.
In Linux there are more applications to create and edit a file. Some of them are Vi editor, Vim editor(extended version for vi), Nano, Emacs, etc..,.
In this articles we gonna see some useful commands while working on files and directory in a Linux system.