How to Execute different programs in Linux - (C,C++,Java,Python,Perl,Bash,Ruby)

Date - Nov 25, 2019

A Computer programming is defined as the process of designing and building an executable program for accomplishing a specific computing task. There are different types of programs to do this. We will be seeing how to execute them in a Linux machine.


Installing Docker-Compose on Ubuntu

Date - Feb 9, 2019

On our previous article we saw how to install docker on Ubuntu 17.04. That is suitable for running a individual container(single applications). What if we want to run multi container application?

This leads to the invention of docker-compose, In this article, we will see how to install


How to install Docker on Ubuntu-17.04

Date - Feb 7, 2019

Docker is a great tool for automating the deployment of applications through containers. In this article we will see how to install docker on Ubuntu-17.04

Since Ubuntu-17.04 is not a LTS version, installing package on 17.04 is little burden. It requires apt-get update on adding repositories which will


How to enable SSL on Apache web server - Apache Source Installation

Date - Feb 2, 2019

On our previous article we have seen how to enable SSL certificate on a Apache web server which was installed directly.

In this article we will be seeing how to install the SSL Certificate on our source installed Apache web server..


How to enable SSL on Apache web server Httpd

Date - Jan 31, 2019

On our previous article we have seen how to create a SSL certificate. If you have missed visit creating SSL Certificate.

In this article we will be seeing how to install the SSL Certificate on our Apache web browser to secure our site.


How to create a Self signed SSL Certificate

Date - Jan 30, 2019

Have you ever verified that your site runs in a secured way. Here is a tip, If your sites runs in https then it is found to be secured if not then its time to enable https for your site using a SSL Certificate to keep it secure.


Setting up a Mail server using Roundcube Part-3 Centos-7

Date - Jan 29, 2019

The previous article shows how to configure Postfix and Dovecot for our mail server but we also need a web interface to access our mail server for handling the mail accounts. A mail client helps us to acquire this requirement, Roundcubemail.


Setting up a Mail server using Roundcube Part-2 Centos-7

Date - Jan 25, 2019

On the previous article we have seen how to configure postfix configuration for a mail server. In this second part we will be seeing how to configure and integrate dovecot to handle mail box.

Dovecot is an open-source Internet Message Access Protocol


Setting up a Mail server using Roundcube Part-1 Centos-7

Date - Jan 21, 2018

Do you want to setup a dedicated mail server for your website, Our mail server depends on three major criteria,

Postfix(SMTP), Dovecot(IMAP), Roundcube (Mail Client)
This article will show how to install and configure the above criterias


Opencart Installation Building a E-Commerce site Linux

Date - Jan 17, 2018

Opencart is an e-commerce building application based on php. It is an open software for setting up shopping sites,etc..,. It is an online store management system. It is also available in FTP server or we can configure it and run from our own servers.



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