Creating and Running Virtual Machines in LINUX KVM GUI Mode

Date - Jan 14, 2018

In our previous article we have seen how to create and run virtual machines from command mode. In this article we will be seeing how to create and run virtual machines through GUI.

The application we are using here is Virtual Manager collectively called as


Creating and Running Virtual Machines in LINUX KVM Cli Mode

Date - Jan 4, 2018

In this article we will be seeing how to run multiple virtual machines in our host machine through cli mode.


Virtualisation Creating an hypervisor-KVM

Date - Dec 31, 2018

Virtualisation allows you to run multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine by sharing the resources in it. Virtual machines can be run in different operating systems on the same physical machine.


Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu-17.04

Date - Dec 28, 2018

The Apache Tomcat software is an open source which helps to run Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java Web-socket technologies. For your better understanding apache tomcat is a web server that serves JSP pages.


Apache Tomcat Installation Centos-7

Date - Dec 26, 2018

The Apache Tomcat software is an open source which helps to run Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java Web-socket technologies. For your better understanding apache tomcat is a web server that serves JSP pages.


Installing and Setting JAVA_HOME environment in Linux - Source Installation

Date - Dec 22, 2018

In this article we are going to see how to install different Java version on your linux system and also how to make it as a default one.


Replacing Commands for Linux Files Using Perl and Sed

Date - Dec 18, 2018

A file may contain different types of strings, numbers, special characters, etc..,. We can directly edit the file using a file editor, but that applies to a single file only. If we wish to search and replace a particular word or number on multiple files, it is a burden to edit manually on every single file. In such situations we use Perl and Sed commands to achieve it.


Linux File Permissions Basics and Commands

Date - Dec 14, 2018

As an open source, accessing a file requires more security in Linux. This has been maintained by providing file permissions and access modes. These are applicable for all files and directory.


Searching tool in Linux Grep Commands

Date - Dec 7, 2018

In Linux we use Grep as a search tool. It helps to search files on directory, search strings in a file. It is also a kind of a filter. Grep stands for Global search for Regular Expressions and Print. Grep helps to find strings in a large set of log files and codes. It is applicable for most of the files.


Sorting and Listing Files, Directory in Linux Basic commands

Date - Nov 30, 2018

In this article we will be seeing how to sort Files and Directory in a Linux system. We will be doing with a single command ls and with different flags.

The ls command with no flag lists the files and directory on the current working directory. With l alone the directory will end with /.



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